Another Business Training Update
Posted on September 24 2015

Come November the SAME SKY FOUNDATION’s inaugural Business Training class will graduate from their first session. With every update we have received, our admiration for and pride in the AVEGA Artisans has grown.
As the session nears its end, we wanted to share some exciting highlights that have happened so far!
Real Life Application of Knowledge –
While each class presents an opportunity for the women to learn relevant and helpful business terms and processes, they also offer the opportunity to work as a group as they apply their growing knowledge to their own lives and communities. In a recent session, this ability became apparent when Beatha observed that cooperative members should do more than just join, participate, and leave the group as it was found; rather, members should take the time to contribute ideas so that they can develop both themselves and their cooperatives. She recognized that the training sessions are a powerful tool that can be used for greater individual and interpersonal achievement.
Chromebook Lesson –
Just recently, the women were given a chance to spend a whole class learning about and working with Google Chromebooks! This wonderful opportunity enabled them to become more comfortable sending and receiving emails, typing and using Google Docs, and even creating their own email addresses! The lesson emphasized the importance of communication on both a personal and professional level. The women were all incredibly excited to finally have an avenue through which they could communicate openly with each other and with SAME SKY!